Country Artist Walker Hayes to Hold Book Signing in Franklin, TN


You can meet country artist Walker Hayes in Franklin at Landmark Booksellers.

On Tuesday, August 23, from 5 pm until 7 pm you grab a copy of Hayes book Glad You’re Here and meet Hayes along with co-author, Craig Allen Cooper.

The name “Craig” may sound familiar to fans due to Hayes’ song “Craig” where he documents meeting Craig Allen Cooper for the first time and how he gifted his family a car in a time when they needed one for their family. During the pandemic Hayes moved his family next door to Craig and now they are as close as brothers. With this book, they share their story, a story about a journey of faith and friendship.

Reserve your copy of the book here. 

Hayes is launching The Glad You’re Here tour kicking off on September 29th in Pennsylvania with special guest Parmalee.

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