OBITUARY: Dolores Barron de Valdez


Dolores Barron de Valdez was born on November 24, 1925 and passed away on May 4, 2024.

Preceded in death by her son Arnulfo Valdez, and Judith Arana, and husband Jose Ma Valdez,

She was born in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, lived in La Norteña, a small town on the same state, a member of the Iglesia Mennonite.

She is survived by 2 sons, 6 daughters, 26 grandchildren, among them, Cynthia Ramirez, Briney Ramirez and Crystal Rodriguez, and 69 great-grandchildren.

Despite her limited education to only 2nd grade of elementary school, she was an entrepreneur, and throughout her life, she established several businesses. She would sell used clothes, new clothes, food, candy, shoes, phone services and much more.

She was of a strong personality, and “no se puede” or ” I cannot do it” was not part of her vocabulary. She grew up in extreme poverty despite that, her faith, perseverance and hard work took her to become a well-known businesswoman.

Today we celebrate her life, not only about what she accomplished as a mother, friend or entrepreneur, but about her life of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. No material endeavor compares to the work of Jesus Christ that redeemed her life and forgave her sins so TODAY she would be in the presence of God and experience the beauty of His glory.

PSALM 27 4-5
One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord.

Television was invented in 1925 the year she was born. Loved flowers, trees,

Service Schedule:

Funeral Service:
Thursday, May 9, 2024
4:00 – 7:00 pm (Central time)
Sumner Funeral & Cremation Lakeside
104 Sanders Ferry Rd, Hendersonville, TN 37075


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Dolores Barron de Valdez 1925-2024
Jose Ma Valdez (Fallecido)

Precedida en muerte de su Esposo Jose Ma Valdez, Arnulfo Valdez, y Judith Arana.

Nacio en el estado de Chihuahua, Mexico y vivio la mayor parte de su vida en La Nortena, un pequeno pueblo en el mismo estado. Fue miembro de la iglesia menonita. Y sobreviven, 2 hijos, 6 hijas, 26 nietos, entre ellos, Cynthia y Briney Ramirez, y Crystal Rodriguez y 69 Bisnietos.

A pesar de su educacion limitada de segundo grado de primaria, ella fue una emprendedora de varios negocios. Ella te podia vender. Ropa usada, ropa nueva, comida, dulces, zapatos, servicio telefonico y mucho mas.

Era de una personalidad fuerte y “no se puede” no estaba en su vocabulario. Crecio en extremada pobreza y apesar de eso, su fe, perseverancia y arduo trabajo la llevaron a ser conocida como una gran mujer de negocios.

Hoy celebramos su vida, no solo sus logros como madre, amiga o mujer de enprendedora sino su vida de fe en nuestro Senor Jesucristo. Ningun logro material se compara con la obra de Jesucristo que le redimio y perdono todos sus pecados para que HOY pueda estar en la presencia de Dios y experimentar la hermosura de su gloria.

SALMO 27:4-5
Una cosa he demandado a Jehová, esta buscaré;
Que esté yo en la casa de Jehová todos los días de mi vida,
Para contemplar la hermosura de Jehová, y para inquirir en su templo.
Y yo sacrificaré en su tabernáculo sacrificios de júbilo;
Cantaré y entonaré alabanzas a Jehová.

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