Nashville Zoo’s Tiger Cubs Can Now Be Seen at Tiger Crossroads Exhibit

L to R – Kirana, Bulan, Zara (Photo: Nashville Zoo)

The Nashville Zoo’s three tiger cubs can now be seen at Tiger Crossroads!

The cubs and mom, Anne, will be out daily from 9 am until noon – although weather and animal care factors may occasionally prevent the cubs from being outside. After noon, Felix (dad) will be in the Tiger Crossroads habitat for guests to see.

Anne, the Zoo’s 7-year-old female Sumatran tiger, gave birth to the cubs on the evening of October 20, 2023. The three cubs are the first Sumatran tigers to be born at Nashville Zoo.

The female cubs names are Kirana (key-RAHN-ah), an Indonesian name meaning beautiful sunbeam⁠ and Zara (ZAR-ah), a Malaysian name meaning princess and radiant⁠ and the male name is Bulan (BOO-lahn), an Indonesian name meaning moon⁠.

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