Michael Mosley Found Guilty on Charges of Killing Williamson County Men in 2019


UPDATE: March 31, 2022

The jury returned a guilty verdict in the case of Michael Mosley for all four charges.

  • First Degree Murder (Count 1) -Guilty
  • First Degree Murder (Count 2) – Guilty
  • Attempted First Degree Murder (Count 3) – Guilty
  • Assault (Count 4) – Guilty

Sentencing for Mosley is set for May 23.

UPDATE: March 30, 2022

Day 3 of the trial has concluded. On Wednesday, the jury heard more witness testimony from friends of Clay Beathard and Paul Trapeni, security guards from the Dogwood Bar, as well as Daniel Sevilla and Jaycie Harper, who had come to The Dogwood Bar with Michael Mosley.

Mosley is accused of stabbing Beathard, Trapeni and AJ Betherum. Mosley’s attorney Ken Quillen has argued his client was acting in self-defense.

The trial will continue at 8:30am Thursday morning.

Original Story

The trial for Michael Mosley, who is accused of killing Clayton Beathard and Paul Trapeni III, both of Williamson County, outside a Nashville bar in December 2019, has begun.

Michael Mosley is charged with two counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder.

Beathard and Trapeni were fatally stabbed during a fight around 2:50 a.m. on December 21. Their friend Aj Bethurum also suffered serious injuries.

The incident involved several persons outside the Dogwood Bar & Grill, located at 1907 Division Street in Nashville. At the time, Metro police reported the fatal stabbings appeared to have resulted from an argument over a woman that began inside Dogwood Bar and then turned physical when the parties went outside.

Beathard, Trapeni and Bethurum were all graduates of Battle Ground Academy. The three of them, along with a small group of their high school classmates, were hanging out together at the Dogwood Bar over Christmas break.

This is an ongoing story.

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