Square Fest Returns to Downtown Gallatin This Month

Photo from downtowngallatin.org

“Square Fest is an annual event held the last Saturday in April every year in Historic Downtown Gallatin,” said Donna Belote, Executive Director, Historic Downtown Gallatin, Inc. “It’s a large arts and crafts festival that brings people into Gallatin from everywhere.”

This is a great way to celebrate spring with a full day of fun, spring-inspired food and drink and lots of season-inspired arts, crafts and gift items. The event offers a family-friendly environment with more than 170 craft, business and non-profit booths to explore; a large kid’s area with inflatables; two stages of live entertainment throughout the day; and great food booths, like everyone’s favorite sno-balls. Plus, all the downtown boutiques will be open to peruse and the restaurants will be open for you to enjoy a sit-down meal. 

Most downtown streets will be closed during the day, as the festival stretches along Main Street and Water Street. 

Hosted by Historic Downtown Gallatin, Inc., an accredited State and National Main Street Program, Square Fest serves its mission and fosters economic vitality for local businesses and visiting vendors while being a community event that enriches and preserves the historic charm and enduring spirit of downtown Gallatin. 

Since it was founded, Historic Downtown Gallatin, Inc., has spearheaded the revitalization of Gallatin’s historic downtown core. They’ve done it by following the four-point program of the National Main Street Center of the National Trust for Historic Preservation: Organization, Design, Promotion and Economic Restructuring. 

Working in partnership with property owners, preservationists, city and county government, local businesses and merchants in the historic retail district, Historic Downtown Gallatin, Inc., formerly Greater Gallatin, Inc., has helped create one of the nation’s best Main Streets. They’ve earned recognition as an authentic, eclectic place that offers something for everyone in an atmosphere that reminds locals and visitors alike of a simpler time in history – a time when community mattered. And this event makes a point of bringing back that sense of community. 

Rain or shine, Square Fest will run from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on April 27, 2024. Admission is free. To learn more, click here.

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