Century Communities Offers New Townhomes in Gallatin

Photo courtesy of Century Communities- Tennessee

A new development has made its way from its home base in Colorado to places like North Carolina and California and now to Gallatin, TN.

Century Communities is a housing developer company that guarantees buyers the freedom to build and personalize a future home through them. For those not looking to build, they also offer a variety of houses from single-family homes to condos.

Century Communities has been providing homes since 2002. They do it all to make the home buying process easier and fun. The company offers educational help for those who are buying homes for the first time or those who are repurchasing after some time.

The new neighborhood in Gallatin is called Cumberland Point. It currently features 100 townhomes that start at the low 300s. The homes offer two different floor plans that feature 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms.

They have several models styled and ready for tours. Make sure to check out the community amenities when visiting.

For more information and to schedule a tour, click here.

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