Impact Martial Arts Gallatin Hosting Free Women’s Self Defense Class

impact martial arts self defense class

Impact Martial Arts in Gallatin is hosting a free women’s self-defense workshop addressing armed attackers on Friday, January 20th from 6pm – 8pm.

During the workshop, participants will learn:

  • Distance methods to keep distance between you and a potential attacker
  • Self-defense in an armed attacker scenario
  • How to be moved to a secondary location

Register here:

Impact Martial Arts Gallatin is located at 100 S Westland Ave, Suite A.

Why self-defense classes are important:

Studies show that victims of assault are less likely to take “fight” or “flight” during the assault. This is because most women aren’t trained to fight, most likely knew and/or trusted the perpetrator and are also engulfed by fear, shock, disbelief, and betrayal. More common responses to assault and trauma are temporary paralysis and collapsed immobility, meaning that the heart rate and blood pressure drop dramatically until you feel like passing out.

Event organizers hope these workshops help women feel empowered, confident and capable in their bodies anytime, anywhere.

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