The Apple Truck Brings a Bite of Michigan To Middle Tennessee


The Apple Truck, a Michigan-based “rolling” apple truck, will be delivering fresh, hand-picked Michigan apples to more than 90 locations in southern states who have no or limited access to the fresh fruit!

Why? Owner and creator of The Apple Truck, Dale Apley, says that frequently friends and family members who moved out of state complain about no longer having access to fresh Michigan apples. This was particularly clear during apple season (September – November) when Michigan residents are privileged to have fresh apples, which offer a crisp bite and crunch that store-bought apples do not seem to offer.

Determined to solve this challenge, Dale began researching and it was quickly apparent why his friends and family were having this experience – most of the apples available in stores have been sitting in boxes for several months in cold storage facilities or are imported.

This is where The Apple Truck comes in, offering fresh-picked apples straight from the Michigan orchards.

The Apple Truck 2021 tour is coming to Tennessee from October 8-10, 2021. Depending on the crop and timing, each box may include two of the following varieties of apples: Paula Red, McIntosh, Honeycrisp, Jonathan, Jonagold, Rome, Ida Red, and Braeburn.

Tennessee Tour Stops:

  • October 8th: Clarksville, Gallatin, Lebanon
  • October 9th: Hendersonville, Opry Mills, Green Hills Mall
  • October 10th: Franklin, Smyrna, Murfreesboro

Because these apples will sell out fast, The Apple Truck encourages everyone to place their orders in advance by visiting The Apple Truck website and finding your city’s stop. The order process will not be available when sold out, so it is crucial to place your order five days before your stop.

The Apple Truck Offers the Following Items Available For Preorder:

  • 20-pound box of Michigan apples – $45
  • ½ gallon of Honeycrisp Apple Cider – $7
  • The Special, which is two boxes of apples and two ½ gallons of cider for $100

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