TDOT Deploys Resources to East TN Following Hurricane Helene

Region 3 Strike Force briefing (Photo: TDOT)

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Region 3 Strike Force and bridge inspection crews are in East Tennessee helping with recovery and repairs following historic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene.

On Saturday, September 28, five bridge inspectors, 16 Strike Force members, and Region 3 Director of Operations Nathan Vatter deployed to Cocke and Sevier Counties to assist Region 1 with slope failures, debris removal, drainage restoration, sinkholes, and bridge inspections.

TDOT Strike Force is a specialized group that can deploy quickly with necessary equipment. The team is made up of engineers, equipment operators, and transportation experts who work to remove debris, make repairs, and ensure public safety. The goal of this team is to provide immediate relief and begin the recovery process in flood-affected communities.

While Middle Tennessee experienced localized flooding and downed trees, the damage in East Tennessee is vast. Damage statistics on state roadways as of midday Sunday, September 29 are as follows:

  • 27 state roadway sections closed
  • 14 state bridges closed
  • Five state bridges destroyed

While there is no immediate timeframe for full repairs, TDOT’s current priority is ensuring public safety and reconnecting communities that have been severed due to damage. Region 3 is currently standing by to send additional workers as needed. Photos for media of Region 3’s work in East Tennessee are below (please courtesy TDOT).

As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and Know Before You Go! by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination. Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.

The Move Over Law was passed in 2006. The penalty for violating the law in Tennessee carries the possibility of up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine of up to $500.

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