Sensors to Detect Vaping Installed in Sumner County Schools


Sumner County Schools reports, via a social media post, that environmental sensors have been installed in restrooms throughout the district. These sensors can detect vaping, unusual noise levels, and tampering. When triggered, school leaders will be alerted in real time, allowing them to respond quickly and appropriately. This initiative is part of SCS’s larger effort to combat the negative health effects of vaping and create a safer, more supportive school environment.

Vaping is strictly prohibited on all Sumner County Schools campuses. Students found possessing or using vaping products on school property will face consequences, as will those who tamper with the environmental sensors. These consequences may include citations, police involvement, suspension, or, in severe cases, expulsion, adds the social media post.

Vaping is a serious health concern, especially for young people, and may be driven by addiction, peer pressure, or curiosity. Like cigarettes, vaping products are not legally sold to individuals under the age of 21. Unfortunately, students have reported obtaining these products from a variety of sources, including stores, online, and even from older siblings or parents.

If you are aware of any stores selling vaping products to minors, please report it to the appropriate authorities.

The school district says they are committed to changing the culture in school restrooms and ensuring that they remain safe spaces for all students.

“We are committed to working with you, our parents and guardians, to help support our students in making healthy, positive choices for themselves and their school community. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about this important issue. Together, we can work toward a healthier, safer future for all students,” the district stated.

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