Free Tax Prep Program Kicks Off in Middle Tennessee

photo courtesy of United Way

United Way of Greater Nashville and partner agencies officially kicked off the 21st annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) free tax prep program.

Through VITA, IRS-certified tax preparers provide free tax preparation services to individuals and families who earned $76,000 or less per household in 2024, helping qualifying individuals receive important credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit that lift millions out of poverty each year. Now through April, United Way is partnering to operate VITA sites throughout Middle Tennessee.

To view the full list of sites in Middle Tennessee, click here or view map here.

To sign up to use the free virtual option, visit

The average taxpayer spends $300 to have their taxes prepped and filed at paid tax service providers. Thanks to the VITA free tax prep program, volunteers help low- to moderate-income individuals save crucial dollars that could go toward rent, food, childcare and gas.
Thousands of our neighbors rely on this important service each year, not only to access critical tax credits but to save on fees that can be put toward day-to-day living expenses. Last year, Middle Tennessee VITA volunteers prepared 9,712 returns, helping taxpayers save $2.6 million in tax preparation fees. These savings offer a financial cushion for households facing the rising costs of living.

The financial benefits of the VITA free tax prep program extend far beyond the number of filed returns. Last year, VITA volunteers brought $10.3 million in tax refunds back to our community, representing a 22% increase from the previous year. This increase in refund dollars is a testament to the growing reach of the program and the increasing need for this vital resource.

“With expenses on the rise, keeping more of the money you’ve worked hard to earn is more important than ever. For over 20 years, our VITA Free Tax Prep program has helped countless neighbors do just that. By providing free and trustworthy tax assistance, VITA enables thousands of individuals and families to maximize their refunds and keep their tax return where it belongs—in their pockets,” said UWGN CEO Erica Mitchell.

Taxpayers can find their nearest VITA site and more information about the program by visiting or through United Way’s 211 Helpline by calling 211 or texting their ZIP code to 898-211.

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