After 39 years, Manny’s House of Pizza in downtown Nashville will close door.
Located at 15 Arcade Building, the pizza joint stated, “It’s with a heavy heart that I am announcing the closure of Manny’s House of Pizza after an incredible 39 year in the Arcade.”
“The Arcade building is going under a major transformation, leaving us unable to operate with a full kitchen. ”
Manny shared about his origins in Sicily to New York and then settling in Nashville. Stating, “It has been the greatest pleasure serving multiple generations of families in Nashville and welcoming tourists from all over the world. Your patronage has meant everything to us.”
The message ended by saying, “We are uncertain what the future holds for us in the Arcade at this time, but we hope to see you all again.”
In January of this year, Barstool Pizza Review stopped by Manny’s House of Pizza, rating it a 7.9. Watch the video below.
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